
We accomplish our works in the best possible way without any compromise on the safety of the people and better upkeep of the environment. Therefore, we firmly believe that to achieve our goal and supplement organizational growth, guidelines governing and Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Regulations- Guidelines & Standards should be followed strictly.

We have incorporated the best of industry standards and comply with all the legal requirements in building a healthy EHS Management System. We are committed to achieve and maintain the highest standards in our construction operations integrating the codes of standards, maintaining an up-to-date EHS Regulations- Guidelines & Standards.
Our construction activities operations take us to a variety of locations in and around Ras Al Khaimah,UAE. At AL HAREB BUILDING CONTG LLC, we believe it is our responsibility to ensure that they stay uncorrupted and that our presence does not disrupt the delicate balances of ecosystem & the micro and macro environment.
We believe that, potential hazards and undesirable events can be identified and accidental loss (personal injury, property damage, environmental impacts or operational interruptions) can be prevented. Therefore, priority is given for development of a culture that promotes proactive interactions.
We recognize the fact that our operations have the potential of affecting the health and safety of our employees and other third party personnel associated with the day-to-day activities. We aim to minimize this impact on personnel and also reduce the adverse effect on the environment due to our contracting activities.

Quality Services

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